We exist to build vital relationships with Jesus that bring others to His love.
Start here if you are new to Summerville Baptist, have a prayer request or questions.
Support the ministries of our church's mission
Our Next Baptisms are on Tuesday, December 24.
Our three-year capital fund campaign for our Downtown and Pinewood locations.
Pinewood Location
Sundays & Weekdays
Take a look and sign up for Midweek classes that interest you.
Equipping parents in the digital age.
An opportunity for students in grades 6-12 to earn money for Student Ministry trips and events.
Support Groups That Meet at Summerville Baptist
Be His hand and feet at home and abroad.
Children and Preschool
Middle and High School Ministry
Welcome Ladies of Summerville Baptist
Campus Sporting Activities
Sign up below to get started
Check out the ways you can become a part of the Worship, Music, and Tech Ministries at SBC
Handbell Ensemble
Sign Up Here to Serve
Inquiry Form
WMU makes disciples of Jesus who live "on mission."
Order Paper Products for Sunday School/Small Groups/Missions etc... Here
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